Bariatric surgery candidates are required to receive psychological clearance before they are eligible for surgery. In spite of this, little is know about post-surgical psychosocial complications and even less is known about predicting post-surgical complications. Psychologists have little empirical evidence for guidance and have resorted to using a wide variety of assessment practices during pre-surgical evaluations. In an effort to standardize the pre-surgical evaluation and identify profiles that predict post-surgical psychosocial contraindications, the MPABS was created. The MPABS is a 115-item psychological test that measures constructs relevant to bariatric surgery psychosocial outcomes. It is the only test designed specifically for bariatric surgery candidates and is regularly updated as empirically validated findings become available. The MPABS can identify subgroups within the bariatric candidate population and markers that predict potential post-surgical psychosocial complications including risk of weight regain, substance/alcohol use and suicidality. As further research and validation studies are completed, the goal of the MPABS is to further improve prediction of post-surgical psychosocial contraindication to determine if a bariatric candidate should receive psychological clearance.
Please be advised that the name of the test has changed from the PsyBari to the Mahony Psychological Assessment for Bariatric Surgery (MPABS).